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Step #1 - Mark Your Center Lines
Refer to your layout drawings from the manufacture. Mark your depth at each end, then using a chalk line snap it right across the length of the stalls - right to left to get your depth line. Line up your measuring tape from right to left along you chalk line and mark your stall sizes with pilaster sizes. This should consist of 3 markings. 1-center line for stall size. 2 - right side of pilaster 3 left side of pilaster. Proceed all the way across until all measurements are marked.
Step #3 - Install Your Panel
Now that all brackets are all installed and prepped. Place a milk krate or something 12" in height into the site line where the panel needs to be placed. Place Panel on krate - using a level ensure panel is dead on, then fasten the panel to the wall with the screws provided.
Step #2 - Drill Holes For Pilasters & Wall Clips
A: Aligning your center line markings for each stall with a laser line pointing to the back wall (Make Sure you are plumb) Mark your clip or channels into the center line on the back wall - referencing the elevations for your specific material to get your heights. Elevations are given at time of purchase.
B: With your 2 markings for your pilaster sizes done in previous step. Make your Drilling marks for the pilaster anchors. - (Metal (1" In on each side) (Phenolic 5/8" In from each side) Eg. If your pilaster size is 12" your 2 markings on the floor will be 2" & 11" for metal.
Step #4 - Install & Attach Beginning Pilaster
Take your first pilaster, attached the shoe and place it into the floor brackets - erect the pilaster and it should align perfectly with wall brackets already installed. At this time i would leave the pilaster in the brackets - it should fit snugged and not fall. Fastening and leveling can be done during step 8.
Step #5 - Prepping Pilaster with Door Hardware
Unpack the door hardware and locate the top and bottom hinges for the pilaster side. Attach them securely, lay aside the door hardware for now.
Step #6 - Fasten Pilaster To Panel Clips
Measuring from the wall to the center line of the first stall size, take that measurement and minus the first pilaster size and the door size, you will get your center line to attach your pilaster clips. eg. if your stall is 36" in size, and you have a 5" (Wall), 14" (Open) pilaster and a 24" door. Your formula will look like this.
36-5-24= 7
You would measure 7" into the 14" pilaster which would be a perfect split in the middle.
That is how you get your measurement for the pilaster clips.
Step #7 - Connect Pilaster To Panel
Stand the pilaster up into the floor brackets similar to step 4, with the pilaster standing straight up and the clips installed on the back of the pilaster, it will attach perfectly into the panel. Using a level making you are level east to west, and north to south, fasten the pilaster to the panel.
Step #8 - Prep Door & Wall Pilaster For Door Hanging
As stated in step 4, leaving the wall pilaster snug and not fastened to the wall, now is the time to get your level and tape measure and make sure you have 24" between the 2 pilasters to accommodate the door. Hold up a level (or laser level) to the first pilaster and when it is perfectly level, fasten the pilaster to wall with the screws provided.
Step #9 - Hanging The Door
With both pilasters secured and connected and door hardware prepped on the door and pilaster. You can now hang the door. All material is different when hanging doors so refer to the material specific door instructions that came with the material. Or download here
Step #10 - Repeating Steps for More Stalls
Now that your first stall is installed, repeat the steps if one or more stalls are required.
Step #11 - Attaching Head-rail and Return Railing
Measure from the wall to the last pilaster (Flush) cut the head-rail given to go across the top of the pilasters. Including the return head-rail that connects from the last pilaster to the back wall. Once everything is cut correctly at attached Its time to fasten the head-rail to each pilaster. We recommend manually moving from the inside of each stall eyeing the door gaps and ensuring they are even from top to bottom. If they are not, at this time you would lean on the pilaster east to west until the door gap looks perfect, than fasten a screw from the inside of the stall attaching the head-rail to the pilaster. Repeat this to every stall until you are finished.